Last Epiphany.C.25
Luke 9:28-36
The Rev. Melanie McCarley
Years ago I gave a children’s sermon about the Transfiguration. As a focal point--I brought with me a statue of Jesus, which I wrapped in a scarf. To be honest, I’m not quite certain what I said—but by the end of the sermon, I hadn’t unwrapped Jesus—and all of a sudden, both the children and their parents were exclaiming, in union. “We want to see Jesus.” Now, what they wanted was to see the statue I had wrapped in a veil, but their demand stays with me to this day, because I believe there is a good deal of truth in their words: “We want to see Jesus.”
Many of us do. Every so often I hear someone exclaim: “If only I could just see Jesus, then I would be certain that God exists and believe.” Today’s lesson is for all those who have longed to see God. Today we conclude the season of Epiphany with the grand manifestation of Christ on a mountaintop. This is the story of the Transfiguration. It is a story about clarity, perception and truth. It is about seeing Jesus for who he is.
The Transfiguration occurred long ago—and to my knowledge, it has not been repeated. However, this has not stopped us from wanting to see Jesus for ourselves. To which this is the best response I’ve heard: “If you want to see Jesus, look at those who know Jesus.” It’s true, isn’t it—we see Jesus best in other people—particularly those who know him and follow him. “If you want to see Jesus, look at those who know Jesus.” In truth, it’s the way the Gospel has been transmitted for thousands of years.
Take a moment and think about people of faith whom you have known. I’ve been privileged to meet a good many of them in ministry—many of whom have been parishioners. They have taught me many things over the years and their witness has been a strength to me. I’ve encountered deep thinkers and simple souls, people with college degrees and others who had yet to complete kindergarten, all of whom have helped me to see my Savior and understand his love. These people fit no pattern, save for their devotion to Christ—and a love which manifested itself in a myriad of ways from feeding the hungry, to thinking deep theological thoughts, to showing me the art of forgiveness to patiently tending to the needs of those who are sick to teaching children. All sorts of people over much time and many circumstances. Knowing them and experiencing their love has changed my life.
Which brings me to the baptism of Samuel MacClaren this morning and the unique role I hope his Godparents, Avery and Claudio will play in his life. Godparents, you see, are important. To be chosen as a Godparent is a great honor. However, there is a very practical role which Godparents play. Historically, Godparents would be the people listed in the will of a child’s parents. Should the parents die, the Godparents would be the individuals who would assume responsibility for the care of the child. Godparents, then, are trusted individuals, people who share the same values as the parents—people the parents would be reasonably certain would raise their child as they would like if they could not do so themselves. By the way—I would be remiss to fail to point out that the Episcopal Church asks all parents to have a will—to provide for their children in case of the parent’s death.
But back to the Godparents. Their unique role is that of a guide—specifically, a spiritual guide. Godparents are to be those people in a child’s life that will help that child to see Jesus.
To this end, here are a few suggestions for all of you Godparents out there. And, even if you have not done these things yet (my goodness, even if your godchild is twenty five years old)—if you find the following suggestions helpful—it is never too late to start. First, forget about your Godchild’s birthday—it’s not important. Samuel MacClaren might have been born on February 4th—but it is today, March 2nd, the date of his baptism that you should remember, for this is the date that he begins his spiritual journey in Christ. In other words, make this day special, it will help your child understand the unique role you have in their life. If you are inclined to give gifts to your Godchild—give them on the day of their baptism rather than on their birthday. If you cannot there in person, write a letter. Share some of your thoughts about who God is with your Godchild. You don’t need to be a theologian to do this. Take a phone and take snapshots of nature, of people helping others, of symbols, and holy places that are important to you and share them. John Phelps, my sister’s Godfather would write her annual epistles—detailing his hopes for her and her relationship with God, that my family has kept to this day. Get your Godchild a Bible (age appropriate), one with pictures—one that is fun to read. Do not get one of those gilded KJV bibles for children—it will most likely remain unopened. Talk with your Godchild—ask them what they think about God. Wonder along with them about who God is and what God’s plans are for their life. Each year, choose one of the promises in the Baptismal Covenant to explore with your Godchild—for example: take them on a hike and talk about the stewardship of creation; take them to a food bank and speak to them about the dignity of all people. Above all, pray for them—earnestly and regularly. In other words, work hard to be that person, in whom Samuel, or your own Godchild, can look at you and see Jesus.
Researchers have found that people who attended weekly religious services or practiced daily prayer or meditation in their youth have a greater life satisfaction and positivity and are less likely to engage in self-damaging behavior. People raised in religious traditions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam and the like) have a greater sense of mission and purpose in life and higher levels of forgiveness. It’s certainly not foolproof; and many of us can give horror stories about what happens when things go wrong in religious communities—but I believe that children, on the whole, who are raised with the understanding that they are part of something larger than themselves and their immediate family tend to be more secure. When young people are encouraged to be open to wonder—and are given a conceptual framework into which to place their life as well as the joys and the tragedies that inevitably ensue, it makes for a more confident, happier individual. Being given the grace to wonder about God (and even doubt God) and engage in a relationship with the Divine is a gift which pays dividends. It places you in a context of fellowship, with people who are different than yourself, but who care about you nonetheless—people from all walks of life and every age—each of them, in their own way, showing you who Jesus is.
Along with Peter, James and John, a Godparent, Sunday School Teacher, Volunteer in the liturgy, Acolyte, Choir Member or a member of a worshipping community in the pew—we are all disciples, followers of Jesus. We are all working to become people who are transformed—so that when people encounter us, they too will look and see Jesus. In His name. Amen.