Children are a joy to us at St. Paul’s and most welcome! Here is some insight that might help you know what to expect on your first visit.
Children and their families are invited to sit anywhere in the church; however, a special “Children’s Cabinet” is located by the Baptismal Font in the back of the church providing age-appropriate Bibles, coloring pages, and quiet activities to assist our youngest members in worship. You will discover that many families sit near the cabinet where their children can move around with ease.
Should you feel that your small child would prefer to be in a more active setting, nursery care is provided during the 10:00 a.m. service, September through July, at the St. Paul’s Nursery School directly across the street. Children are welcome to stay there through the service, though some parents prefer to pick up their child in time to partake in Holy Communion.
Church School is held most Sundays during the 10:00 service September through June. Visiting parents and children are welcome to attend. Children start out with their families in the sanctuary, then follow the acolyte carrying the cross to the bright church school rooms below the fellowship hall. The children return for communion with their families toward the end of the service.
Children are welcome to receive communion: wafer, wine, or both. However, if you would like for your child to receive a blessing instead of communion, simply bring your child with you to the altar rail and let the clergy know the child’s name. Gluten-free wafers are available. Just let the clergy know you would like a gluten-free wafer when they get to you. More information is available here. (link to children and communion)
Bathrooms are on all three floors of the church: one as you exit the sanctuary toward the fellowship hall with a changing station, one at the top of the stairs on the second floor, and one below the fellowship hall in the choir room. To reach the first-floor bathroom, exit the church to the left of the sanctuary.
We encourage you to join us for fellowship hour. The long table includes coffee and food more geared toward adults, and the square table under the windows includes juice and kid-oriented snacks. Gluten-free snacks are available in the kitchen. Tea on the counter to the right of the stove in the kitchen. We will be happy to help you find these things on request.
We do hope your family feels welcome at St. Paul's. We have wonderful fellowship and musical and outreach opportunities that we'd love to share with your children. If you have any questions or need help in any way, please let Rev. Melanie know by calling her at (781) 326-4553 or email. We look forward to meeting you and your family!