"Doing the Right Thing"
Proper 17.B.24
James 1:17-27
The Rev. Melanie McCarley
Proper 17.B.24
James 1:17-27
The Rev. Melanie McCarley
Proper 16.B.24
John 6:56-69
The Rev. Melanie McCarley
Have you ever wondered why so many people failed to recognize Jesus as the Son of God? If you haven’t pondered this, let me assure you, I have. And I find myself considering whether I would have been one of the faithful—or if I, like many people in the Gospel lesson for today, might have turned away.
Proper 15.B.24
Proverbs 9:1-6
The Rev. Melanie McCarley
For the vast majority of us, Wisdom is gained through experience—it is the accumulation of life lessons. That’s why we oftentimes associate wise people with being great in years. Yet, this is not always the case. Wisdom begins young—just listen to the following gleanings from children, who may not have years on their side, yet are clearly already following the path of the wise: