Vicky has been an enthusiastic Episcopalian since birth! Growing up in Chestnut Hill, MA Vicky was baptized at Emmanuel Church, Boston where her father was on the Vestry and later she attended Trinity Church where she was president of the acolyte guild, was confirmed and married.
Vicky is a graduate of the Winsor School and Wheaton College. Following college, Vicky began her fundraising career and even worked for St. Paul’s Church on their “Time for St. Paul’s” campaign while she was on the Vestry between 2001-2004. During that time she ran the Church Mouse Thrift Shop with Sharyn Duncan and Karen Gorton and taught Sunday School.
The majority of her career was spent working at Harvard raising money for alumni college reunions. Following Harvard she worked briefly at Milton Academy before taking a break to focus on family health concerns. Currently Vicky is working at Plimoth Pawtuxet where she is a Major Gifts Officer.
Vicky was introduced to St. Paul’s Church while she was in high school dating Toby Cabot whose Mother, Terry, was an active member. Vicky became a parishioner when she, Toby and their daughter, Tory, moved to Dedham in 1997. Katharine Cabot was baptized at St. Paul’s in 1999 and her God Parents (Liesl Gilman and John McKelvy) are/were members of our community. Although Tory was baptized in Wellfleet, MA the Cabot girls grew up in the parish and enjoyed choir, acolyting and their confirmation classes.
When not in Dedham, Vicky can be found in Wellfleet, MA where she enjoys spending time with her extended family.
Contact: vicky@caboteria.org