Vestry Member (Term Expires 2022)
Originally from New Hampshire, Pat has lived in Westwood since 1989. A church search led her to St. Paul’s in 2006 where she and Chris discovered a community where they could comfortably worship together, Chris having been raised Episcopalian, and Pat from the Roman Catholic tradition. On a beautiful day in May 2010, Pat was received into the Episcopal church.
A former Emergency Room nurse, Pat spent the last 27 years before retirement as a medical paralegal, one of the early nurses to pursue this discipline. She worked for 7 years in this capacity at the Sulloway law firm in Concord NH, the remaining years at Goodwin Proctor and Foley Hoag in Boston. She has two children and 3 grandchildren.
In recent years, regular participation in Thursday morning Eucharist and the Book and Movie Groups were important connections with the St. Paul’s community during the more challenging times of caregiving. Joining the pilgrimage group on the Camino de Santiago this past June not only provided a time for personal renewal, but also the opportunity for a new beginning into a fuller participation with life at St. Paul’s.