Ellie Spyropoulos


Ellie Spyropoulos lives in Needham with her husband Peter and 18-year-old twin sons Alex and Chris. Alex is a freshman at the University of Vermont majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Astronomy. Chris is a freshman at Tufts University studying Economics and Biology.
Ellie retired at the end of June 2018, after a career as a Certified Public Accountant. She was born in South Bend, Indiana. Raised in Durham, New Hampshire, she graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy. She has a degree in Economics from Wellesley College and an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago.

Ellie previously served as the Clerk of Saint Paul’s in 2012 and then as Treasurer from 2013 to 2016. She is looking forward to joining the Vestry again as Treasurer. Her favorite part of church is the monthly book group. She also loves a good ghost story and was drawn to the church several years ago, after wandering into the memorial garden on a break from jury duty and discovering the grave of an ancestor on her mother’s side of the family – Bishop Alexander Viets Griswold (1766-1843).

Contact: elliespy@yahoo.com
