
I will forever be grateful for the support the church gave me when my sister died and I had to travel to Kenya. I appreciate St. Paul's many parties and activities held throughout the year and the fact that parishioners can invite guests. My guests enjoy the warm welcome and are impressed. I thoroughly enjoy Rev. Melanie's inspiring sermons. I am thankful to call St. Paul's my home.

The children's programs have especially drawn us to Saint Paul's -- the church school classes are warm and friendly, as are the teachers. We value knowing that our children will grow up in an Episcopal tradition that is inclusive and respectful to all.

Members since 2014

Having come from different religious backgrounds, we sought a spiritual experience that would serve to unite our faith and beliefs, and further strengthen our relationship of many years. Eleven years ago, following a lengthy search, we discovered St. Paul's. We are so very thankful for the welcoming and caring community of St. Paul's that has accepted us into their spiritual family and where we all continue to grow together in life's journey.

Members since 2006

We were initially attracted to St. Paul's as the right blend of our Catholic and Protestant upbringings. The emphasis on the music, fellowship and children's programming drew us in that first visit and has helped us connect to an amazing group of people who have quickly became close friends. We could not be more proud to call St. Paul's our home.

Members since 2012

Sally and I, and our children really all discovered each other at and through St. Paul's. We were members and single parents, when we were were invited to get to know each other better by mutual friends in the pews!. For over 30 years it has been our spiritual fountain through tough sledding and good times. Every week brings us closer to new and old friends, warm smiles, and a welcoming path.

Members since 1976 and 1966, respectively
