
Where do we go from here?

Proper 15.A.2014
Genesis 45:1-15; Matthew 15:10-28
The Rev. Melanie L. McCarley

It was March of 1995. Former Alabama Governor George Wallace, the man whom Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had referred to as a vicious racist and the individual whom Colman McCarthy of the Washington Post said was “both the symbol and enforcer of anti-black racism in the 1960s was visiting St. Jude’s Church in Montgomery to mark the 30th anniversary of the Selma-to-Montgomery march.

Being in the Storm

Proper 14.A.2017
Matthew 14:22-33
The Rev. Melanie L. McCarley

The Chinese symbols for the word “crisis” are identical to those used for the word “opportunity.” Literally translated it reads “Crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind.”

Unlike the Gospel story in which Jesus is asleep on the boat during a great storm only to be awakened by frightened disciples in order to calm the raging winds; in our passage for today, the disciples do not have the luxury of awakening Jesus. Jesus is not there.
